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Last modified: January 15, 2025

Return policy

Return policy (excludes internet resellers)

We’re happy to accept returns for unopened, non-perishable products ordered within the last 30 days. The products must be unopened and unmarked, and the maximum return limit is $1000 per order.

To initiate a return, you can contact our support team, or call us at 800.654.4432 to receive a return authorization number. Customers are responsible for all return shipping fees.

Internet reseller return policy

Purchases made by internet resellers aren’t eligible for return.

Payment refunds

Refunds are applied to the payment method used to place the order within 3-5 business days of receiving your return, depending on your financial institution.

Commitment to quality

At Emerson Ecologics, we take our commitment to quality very seriously. We ensure that we only carry the highest-quality products. As an NSF International® registered and cGMP-compliant company, we never resell returned items, so you can be confident that every product purchased from Emerson has been stored under the proper conditions at all times.

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